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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
FF fine furniture 20
FH furniture HOUSE +hut 20
FLAMINGO furniture 20
FOURESS furniture hardware 6
FURN PLANET furniture 20
GF GOPINATH furniture 20
GINI gold +furniture 19
GITA steel furniture 20
GLARE exclusive furniture 6
GLOBAL furniture +globe 20
GLUNZ hand made furniture 20
GLYMPSESS furniture boutiqu 18
GOLDEN furniture 20
GRANDEUR furniture 3
HAPPY HOME furniture +god 20
HAZARA furniture house 20
HI-LIFE furniture +chairs 19
HICKORY furniture +circle 20
HOLLY WOOD +furniture 19
HOME @ HOME the furniture 20
HOME LIFE furniture +ovals 20
HOMZ N ROOMZ furniture +hut 20, 35
INDEX furniture fair 35
INTIYA.COM furniture 20
ITALICA moulded furniture 20
JACSONS furniture +oval 35
JAF JAY AMBE furniture 20
JJ WOOD furniture & interio 20
JK J.K. furniture 20
JV JAI-VIR furniture 20
K K'REELAX furniture 20
K/F KOLKATA furniture +oval 42
KAATKON furniture 20
KAIFA standard furniture 6
KAMDHENU moulded furniture 20
KANVE office furniture 20
KINGSTAG moulded furniture 20
KIRAN furniture +sun ribbon 20
KOWLOON furniture +chairs 20
KRS furniture world +ovals 20
LA TRENDZ RTA furniture 20
LAMLINE euro-furniture 20
LAPREE imported furniture 20
LAUREL global furniture 20
LCOVE FREESTYLE furniture 6, 20
LUCKY furniture house 19, 20
LYNN furniture 20
M MAGNOLIA furniture 20
furniture 6
MAHARAJA furniture 20
MAITY steel furniture 20
MAPARA steel furniture 20
MAPLE furniture +leaf 20
MARTHA STEWART furniture 20
MATRIX modular furniture 35
furniture 6
MBL furniture 20
MC MICHAEL furniture 17, 20
METLUX the furniture next 20
MOBEL furniture 20
MODFURN furniture +chair 20
MOF system furniture +oval 20
MONISHH furniture 20
furniture 35
N natural furniture +star 19
N'TIZE moulded furniture 20
NALAPAD furniture 20
furniture 19
NAPOLI furniture 20
NATURE moulded furniture 20
NEETA-ERGO furniture system 20
furniture 20
NEW METRO furniture 20
NGF NEW GOLDEN furniture 20
NUPUT furniture +arcs 20
NXG premium furniture 6
OJASH top furniture fitting 6
OM HARDWARE furniture 6
ON ASIA furniture 20
OSIYA furniture 20
OXFORD furniture +oval 20
OXFORD plywood +furniture 19
PACE furniture 20
PEACOCK moulded furniture 20
PF PARSHWA furniture 20
PLASTONIC moulded furniture 20
PNL fittings for furniture 6
POONAM furniture 20
PRANAV furniture 14, 20
PRATIK furniture 20
PRO FURN furniture 20
PUSPA furniture +flower ova 20
QF quality furniture +squar 20
R real furniture 20
RAJ furniture +cross 20
RAJINDERA furniture house 20
RAJINDRA furniture house 20
RAJSHRI pvc furniture 20
RANGREJ steel furniture 20
RECENT furniture fittings 6
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